CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL FAITH CENTER is a non-profit organization that exists to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Charlotte metro area. As a member of Converge Mid-Atlantic, CIFC is poised to make a difference in the lives of many people whether through our outreach ministry, mission ministry, or supporting those in needs. Your generous gift will help us accomplished those goals for the advancement of His kingdom.
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Ways to Give:
to (833) 384-0161
- OR -
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
© 2025 ·